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Sigma Alpha Iota
sigma chi
Meet the Sisters:
Meet the Sisters:
Lindsey Daily ♪ Long Island, NY
Lindsey is a Junior majoring in Music Therapy and is a classical guitar principal. As Chapter President she oversees all chapter activities, presides over meetings and ceremonies, and all while working to uphold the mission of SAI.
Camila is a junior majoring in Music Therapy and is a voice principal. As the Vice President of Membership, she trains all of the incoming members (Members in training/MITs) and prepares them with everything they need to know for sisterhood.
Camila Hernandez ♪ Miami, FL
Sabrina Langlois ♪ Port St. Lucie, FL
Sabrina is a junior majoring in Music Education and is a voice principal. As Vice President of Ritual her job is a special secret but if you're interested to know then come check us out!
Allison Ruka ♪ Phoenix, AZ
Allison is a senior majoring in Accounting. She is our Chapter's Treasurer and diligently takes care of our finances and works really hard to keep us out of debt!
Julia Lorenzetti ♪ Reading, MA
Julia is a senior majoring in and is a trombone principal. She is the Chapter's Recording Secretary and is responsible for taking notes during chapter and recording attendance.
Beatriz Menendez ♪ Miami, FL
Beatriz is a junior majoring in Classical Vocal Performance. She is the Chapter's Corresponding Secretary and she is responsible for all correspondence and communications between other chapters and alumni.
Rebecca Gladstone ♪ Long Island, NY
Rebecca is a junior majoring in Music Therapy and is a voice principal. She is the Chapter's Editor and is responsible for keeping our social media up to date.
Gwen is a senior majoring in. She is the Chapter's Sergeant at Arms and is responsible for keeping track of bylaws and keeping things running in an orderly fashion.
Gwendolyn Snyder ♪ Los Angeles, CA
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